January 5th, 2022
Dear listener and lover of music,
Nice to meet you. Welcome to my music. I created it for myself, but you may eavesdrop if you like.
A bit about myself: I grew up in Albuquerque NM, went to high school in Naperville IL, and I’m currently studying Ecological Restoration in Missoula MT. I play guitar. I sing. I compose, record, mix, edit, and master my music. I wear many hats, but most of all I am an observer. An explorer of the unknown. Join me as I attempt to understand my life and my world. Perhaps it will help you understand your own… Perhaps not. Regardless of the outcome, we can share this space together. We can dance, tap, and hum along to these waves of propagating energy, and we can engage in the human experience together. Maybe we can learn something. I know I will.
P.S. I love these songs. Genuinely. They give me peace, and I hope they can do the same for you.
– Fin